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New Patients at Premium Health Therapies

We look forward to welcoming you to Premium Health Therapies and our unique approach to wellness! We suggest wearing comfortable clothing that you can move around in. Also, if you have had any recent imaging, please bring those images or reports.

Your First Visit

Shoulder stretchOur friendly staff will greet you when you arrive and assist with completing our new patient paperwork. Once you’ve completed the forms, you’ll meet with your chiropractor for your consultation.

They’ll take their time to listen to your health history so they can understand how your pain or other symptoms are affecting your life. Then they’ll conduct a thorough examination that is tailored to your specific needs—not everyone gets the same exam, because not everyone has the same health issues.

Part of your exam will be a postural assessment. If you’re coming in for biochemistry as well as chiropractic, we’ll also do a detailed assessment of your issues, whether that includes hormones, immune system or other systems of the body using muscle testing.

If your chiropractor deems it necessary, you will be referred out for full spine X-rays (EOS). These are bulk-billed.

Finally, you will receive your first adjustment or other therapy. Plan on being with us for 45 minutes for this visit.

Customised Care

We offer a range of adjusting techniques, and we’ll tailor care to your specific needs and preferences. We are happy to provide Activator Methods® and other low-force techniques for our patients who prefer a more gentle adjustment.

Along with chiropractic care, we may include naturopathy/biochemistry as well as remedial massage or other holistic physiotherapy as part of your overall care plan. We’ll explain all of our findings and recommendations to you so you fully understand our approach.

Paying for Care

We accept most insurances and private health funds, and we work with EPC Medicare. If you are using Medicare, you’ll need a referral from your GP, and then Medicare will pay a percentage of up to five consults per year.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Contact us today to book in for your first visit. We can’t wait to welcome you into the practice.

New Patients at Premium Health Therapies | (08) 8362 9077