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Naturopathy in Payneham


At Premium Health Therapies, we believe in your body’s remarkable ability to restore itself. That’s why our practice offers naturopathy, which is the art and science of using natural natural remedies to assist in the healing of body, mind and spirit.

We’ve found that many presenting structural problems are often linked to biochemical, visceral (the organs) or emotional issues. That’s why we’ve integrated these techniques into our practice, allowing our patients to heal more holistically.

An Integral Approach to Natural Wellness

Your health demands more than cookie-cutter remedies, so we offer a tailored approach using medicinal herbs, nutrients and homeopathic strategies. Our experienced naturopaths prescribe herbal tinctures or tablets, nutrients or even create a homeopathic remedy crafted just for you. We may also suggest lifestyle changes to help speed up your healing process.

Our team uses a combination of history, physical examination and advanced muscle testing techniques for precise diagnoses. Dr Dave and Dr Alison offer Functional Biochemistry, using these methods to quickly and accurately identify complex issues like gut health and hormonal, sleep and behavioural disorders.

But we don’t stop there. We may also use the Qest 4 Bioresonance machine to pinpoint the key areas requiring attention in your body. This form of bio-energetic testing looks at several health-related factors. It registers the response measured by small changes in the skin’s electrical resistance to determine if they fall within the established range. Our practitioners then pay attention to those areas for more complete healing.

Rediscover Your Body’s Power to Heal

Our resident homeopath and herbalist, George Lee, has decades of experience guiding patients, offering you the tools to find health and return your body to its natural state to achieve a fuller, more vibrant life.

He is trained in Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) to help you process and clear the stuck issues. He is also an Irritable Bowel Disease practitioner, among other specialties. His experience, skills and knowledge are remarkable – we’re proud to have him on our team.

We’ve found that many issues that present as structural problems turn out to be also a combination of biochemical, visceral (organs) or emotional in nature hence the melding of these techniques into our practice by our chiropractors.

Join Us on Our Journey to Optimal Wellness

Book an appointment today, and let us help you rediscover your body’s innate healing power.

Naturopathy Payneham, Marden, Norwood SA | (08) 8362 9077