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Meet George Lee, Naturopath

George LeeAs a naturopath, George believes in your body’s remarkable ability to heal itself. Naturopathy is the art and science of using natural remedies to support healing the body, mind and spirit.

George was inspired to become a naturopath as it gave him the potential to change the world, one limbic system at a time!

I enjoy facilitating the release of the personal healing potential that is innate within all of us.
George Lee

Bringing decades of experience in guiding patients towards vibrant health, George uses various tools to help return your body to its natural state so you can enjoy a more abundant life. He addresses an array of conditions, including Irritable Bowel Disease.

Providing Personalised Care

At Premium Health Therapies, we don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare. That’s why George may prescribe herbal tinctures or tablets, grouped nutrients or even create a personalised homeopathic remedy just for you. Additionally, he might suggest lifestyle changes to help accelerate your healing process.

Education and Professional Development

George earned an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy and a Certification in Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) from South Australian College of Natural Therapies in 2000.

To further his education and benefit his patients, George takes ongoing professional development courses in Neuro-Emotional Techniques, Homeopathy, and Nutritional and Herbal medicine.

Outside the Practice

When he’s not helping patients optimise their wellbeing, George likes to spend time in his garden and with his family and friends.

Book an Appointment

If you’d like to elevate your health and experience the many benefits of naturopathy, contact us today to schedule an appointment with George!

George Lee, Naturopath | (08) 8362 9077